Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) at Triony Behavioral Health

At Triony Behavioral Health, we offer Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), a mindfulness-based approach that focuses on helping individuals develop psychological flexibility, clarify their values, and take committed action toward living a meaningful life. ACT is particularly effective for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and other mental health challenges.

What is Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a type of psychotherapy that combines mindfulness, acceptance, and behavior change strategies to promote psychological well-being and improve overall quality of life. It encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment while taking actions aligned with their values and goals.

How does Acceptance & Commitment Therapy work?

In ACT sessions at Triony, clients learn to identify their values and set meaningful goals for themselves. They also practice mindfulness techniques to increase present-moment awareness and develop psychological flexibility. ACT helps individuals recognize and defuse from unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, allowing them to take committed action toward building a rich and fulfilling life.

Benefits of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Enhanced Psychological Flexibility: ACT helps individuals develop the skills to respond more effectively to difficult thoughts and emotions, leading to increased resilience and adaptability.
  • Clarification of Values: By identifying their core values, individuals gain clarity about what matters most to them and can make choices that are in alignment with their true selves.
  • Reduced Emotional Avoidance: ACT encourages individuals to embrace all aspects of their experience, including painful thoughts and emotions, without trying to change or avoid them.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Through mindfulness practices and values-based action, individuals can create a life that is rich, meaningful, and fulfilling, even in the presence of challenges.

Who Can Benefit From Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy is suitable for individuals struggling with a wide range of mental health concerns, including anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, substance abuse, and relationship issues. It can also be helpful for anyone looking to increase their psychological flexibility and live a more authentic and values-driven life.

For Family Members

Family members of individuals engaging in our program can find reassurance in knowing that their loved ones are participating in a therapeutic approach that promotes psychological flexibility and values-based living. While direct family involvement may not be integrated into our sessions, understanding the principles of our programs can empower families to provide meaningful support and encouragement outside of therapy.

At Triony Behavioral Health, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a key component of our commitment to providing personalized and effective mental health care. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can support you or your loved one on the journey to improved emotional well-being and fulfillment.

How We Can Help?

Learn more about our services and how Triony can help you today.

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Mental Health Nashville | Triony Behavioral Health

2900 Lebanon Pike Ste. 210 Nashville, TN 37214
[email protected]
Admissions: 1.888.689.1432
Office: 615.621.2247
Fax: 615.422.4901

Mental Health Nashville | Triony Behavioral Health

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