Contact Triony Behavioral Health


At Triony Behavioral Health, we recognize the uniqueness of each individual’s mental health journey. Our dedicated team designs personalized and comprehensive treatment plans, tailored to specific needs, backgrounds, and diagnoses, ensuring a holistic approach that maximizes the potential for successful outcomes and lasting recovery.

Contact Us Today

Admissions: 1.888.689.1432
[email protected]
Office: 615.621.2247
[email protected]

“We don’t want to be the biggest, we want to be the best.”

Our culture is rooted in the belief that healing and growth flourish in an environment of compassion, understanding, and respect. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive space where men can confront their mental health challenges without fear of judgment.

Our team embodies this culture, offering not just their expertise but also their empathy, ensuring that every individual feels valued and understood. This atmosphere of mutual respect and commitment to wellness is why Triony is a beacon of hope and a place of recovery for those we serve.

2900 Lebanon Pike Ste. 210 Nashville, TN 37214
[email protected]
Admissions: 1.888.689.1432
Office: 615.621.2247
Fax: 615.422.4901

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