Fitness & Nutrition at Triony Behavioral Health

At Triony Behavioral Health, we believe that physical health and mental health are closely interconnected. To support our clients’ overall well-being, we offer a comprehensive Fitness & Nutrition program, designed to encourage healthy habits that promote both mental and physical resilience. Our holistic approach helps clients incorporate fitness, nutrition, and life skills into their daily routines for a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

What is the Fitness & Nutrition Program?

Our Fitness & Nutrition Program is a core component of the treatment plans offered in our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). This program provides clients with access to gym memberships and guided support for developing nutritional goals and healthy eating habits. Additionally, our team works closely with clients to address case management needs, such as connecting them with SNAP benefits and teaching life skills for long-term wellness.

How Does the Fitness & Nutrition Program Work?

During their time at Triony, clients engage in structured fitness activities, such as strength training, cardio workouts, yoga, and basketball with access to a local gym. Our team helps clients set individualized fitness goals, develop workout plans, and track their progress over time. In parallel, clients work with our nutrition specialists to explore healthy meal options, create personalized meal plans, and learn essential cooking skills.

We also focus on teaching life skills that are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of our facility. This includes sessions on meal budgeting, grocery shopping, and understanding food labels, as well as navigating resources such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to ensure that clients have the tools they need to sustain their nutritional well-being.

Benefits of the Fitness & Nutrition

  • Improved Mental Health: Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Combined with healthy eating habits, these changes can lead to improved mood, energy levels, and self-esteem.
  • Physical Resilience: Fitness activities build strength, endurance, and flexibility, which contribute to overall physical health and well-being.
  • Nutritional Education: Our program empowers clients to make informed decisions about their diet and nutritional intake, promoting a balanced relationship with food.
  • Life Skills Development: Learning to budget for groceries, cook nutritious meals, and access community resources fosters self-sufficiency and confidence.
  • Case Management Support: We assist clients in applying for SNAP benefits and other resources to ensure that they have access to the nutrition they need to support their recovery.

Who Can Benefit from the Fitness & Nutrition Program?

Our Fitness & Nutrition Program is tailored for individuals participating in our PHP and IOP programs who are looking to improve their physical health alongside their mental health recovery. This program is ideal for those who want to integrate healthy routines into their daily lives but may not know where to start. It’s also suitable for clients seeking additional support in areas such as meal planning, fitness goal-setting, and budgeting for healthy living.

For Family Members

Families play a vital role in supporting their loved ones’ health and wellness journeys. By understanding the principles of our Fitness & Nutrition Program, family members can help create a positive environment for clients to continue practicing these skills at home. We encourage families to discuss nutrition and fitness goals with their loved ones and to celebrate progress together.

At Triony Behavioral Health, our Fitness & Nutrition Program is an integral part of our mission to provide holistic, personalized care that supports every aspect of our clients’ lives. Contact us today to learn more about how our Fitness & Nutrition services can help you or your loved one develop a healthier lifestyle and achieve long-term well-being.

How We Can Help?

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Mental Health Nashville | Triony Behavioral Health

2900 Lebanon Pike Ste. 210 Nashville, TN 37214
[email protected]
Admissions: 1.888.689.1432
Office: 615.621.2247
Fax: 615.422.4901

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